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 7) Ruth Elliot crowned 2006 Women's British Wave Champ. Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.9 2006    
Posted by: admin Monday, November 13, 2006
UK Simmer Style rider Ruth Elliot was recently crowned 2006 Women's British Wave Champ. This is her version:  

"-I've had a fantastic autumn at home spending the whole of September sailing in North Wales with some killer swells. In early October I traveled up to the Tiree wave classic, which is the biggest and highest profile competition on the UK Wave calendar.  

The first day people were still arriving on the ferry so heats couldn't start until the afternoon.  As I'd arrived a few days early I pulled off the fastest registration in history and was off to the beach scoring some quality wave riding in logo high clean sets and light winds (yes the combination did cause a few swims).
By the time they made it round to the women's heats I'd already had a full day's sailing and the waves and wind were beginning to drop. Scored purely on wave rides it was hard work but the winter's training in Cape Town has paid off to give me the win. Sadly that was it for the wind and I have to admit I was gutted, as this was the first year I managed to persuade the organizers to let me compete with the men in the amateur fleet.  Guess they'll have to wait till next year to see what I can do….:)"

Don't miss our Either/Or feature with Ruth last in this newsletter.

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