18) The Papasrock boys in San Francisco's bay area |
By admin on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
The Papasrock boys in San Francisco's bay area Arnie, Rich and Mike recently got reimbursed for the lack of wind in October and scored Waddell and 3rd Ave recently. Waddell was going off with logo high waves and 5.3 side shore winds, while 3rd Ave was nuking with 3.7 winds. Photo: Steven Hamman and Dave Coombes.
Arnie at Waddell: http://www.stehsegelrevue.com/pod/20061109060428/
Rich at 3rd Ave: http://www.stehsegelrevue.com/pod/20061109060945/
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Victor Fernandez |
By admin on 10/23/2006 |
If you'd like to take a closer look at the life of Victor Fernandez your best shot as of now is to log onto: http://www.pwaworldtour.com where a long interview with the man himself is up and running.
Rudy Castorina |
By admin on 10/22/2006 |
So while JD and some of the other boys pretty much had Ho'okipa to themselves Rudy Castorina hung out in Paris writing an email telling Jason of his last session at the very same spot.
"Hey Jason!
Hope all is well,
I just arrived to Paris and heard the conditions on Maui are epic, ajajaj. But right before my departure I scored such a good session at Ho'okipa, glassy waves, lo ... |
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Simmer Style sail designer Jason Diffin reports from Maui |
By admin on 10/22/2006 |
Once again its fall on Maui, and the surf is back. We've already had 3 solid swells. Yesterday (Oct 12) in fact was really amazing at Ho'okipa- Light to moderately powered 5.0, logo to mast high NNW swell. Katchadourian, Porcella, Naish and Myself were just hanging outside Green Trees and picking off the best set waves one after another. Super good fun. The 07 Simmer Wave sails are solidly represented in the line-up at Ho'okipa, but the design cycle continues- it's time to work on the '08 designs. I encourage any Simmer Style customer, rider, dealer, or distributor to contact me directly with feedback, comments, or ideas they would like to have considered for any aspect of the new designs.
Best Regards,
Marcus Bohman and Kai "Flykatcher" Kathchadourian |
By admin on 10/20/2006 |
Well the pictures below of Swedish Simmer Style distributor Marcus Bohman and Kai "Flykatcher" Kathchadourian will definitely tell you that Marcus wasn't directly intimidated by "Flykatcher's" planning push loops but rather that he sure enjoyed every second they spent on the water together on Sweden's west coast as mentioned in our last newsletter.
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Vincent Langer |
By admin on 10/14/2006 |
He might not be millionaire material quite yet, but if he can get away with being in a special windsurf force in the army that let's you windsurf almost every day and still get paid to do it, we're pretty sure Vincent Langer could freestyle his way to ridiculous amounts of cash.
More info at: http://www.vincentlanger.com

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"Flykatcher" |
By admin on 10/14/2006 |
Now the constant traveler "Flykatcher" knows where to be and when, we've got that straight long ago, that's why he was in Sweden when that went off and that's why he's on Maui right now kissing lips at Ho'okipa with such a loud smack you can almost hear it by looking at the pictures below. The guy sure could be a millionaire if he started up "Flyatchers Windsurf Hints" or something like that.

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Marko Simic is getting ready for the final EFPT |
By admin on 10/13/2006 |
So while France got hit with wind, the exact opposite happened as the wind died on the island of Crete where Simmer Style rider Marko Simic is getting ready for the final EFPT event. He knows if the wind won't come to you, then it's all about hitting the road to find it yourself, so next week's he's off to the west part of the island to track down some good conditions, in the meantime check out what was going on before the wind decided to go on strike.

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Sylvain Demercastel back home in France |
By admin on 10/13/2006 |
Sylvain Demercastel on the other hand would probably pay a million or so to get rid of his wetsuit and be back in the warm waters of Indo rather than being covered in neoprene back home in France, but no panic, the French season has kicked off with some fine days and motivation is sky high. Just look at the pictures below of Sylvain smacking lips in neoprene looking like a million bucks.

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Ascanio D'Ascanio arrived in Brazil recently |
By admin on 10/11/2006 |
Get off the plane at 4am, hit the road for 6 hours and then go sailing, sounds like a plan? Sure did for Ascanio D'Ascanio who arrived in Brazil recently and wasted no time on rest upon his arrival but rather got in the water and landed his first Puneta (Switch Spock 540). With spring spent on Maui, the summer in the Gorge and now Brazil to be followed by South Africa it's no wonder this guy gets coverage, including a 4 page interview in Fuerza 7's May issue, a double spread sequence of a grubby in a recent issue of Surf a Vela as well as a double spread of a high back loop at The Wall, Oregon in Windsurfing Magazine (US). Now with that under the belt and some more features to hit the mags in the near future as well as working on his own website it's safe to say Ascanio is making the most out of every day.
Outer Hebrides with head to logo high waves and good winds |
By admin on 10/8/2006 |
The windless Sylt monster swallowed half of Ben Proffit's October, but with a big score on a recent trip to the Outer Hebrides with head to logo high waves and good winds the overall quality of Ben's month just went through the roof. Pictures from the Hebrides trip should hit the mags soon, so make sure to keep your eyes open for that. With a good forecast for the upcoming Tiree Wave Classic event in the UK Ben's looking to add some extra quality to October. Also congratulations on Ben's 2nd cover this year on Boards UK's latest issue.
The Mouss brothers successful trip to Reunion Island |
By admin on 10/7/2006 |
The Mouss brothers successful trip to Reunion Island that will air on French and European TV in the near future included all you can ask for: good wind, big swell and a lot of sun. Upon their return they went to the final PWA event of the year in Sylt, Germany where Sylvain finished 6th overall in Speed, but says he's real motivated to make it into Top 5 in 2007. For the next two months Sylvain and Benoit will be working on new Simmer Style designs. For more info simply visit: http://www.lesmouss.com
Yves Hanon fit to go sailing again |
By admin on 10/4/2006 |
After an injury that kept him off his board this winter our good friend photographer/windsurfer/snowboarder Yves Hanon decided that if the doctor considered him 100% fit for work he was just as fit to go sailing again as well as shoot one of the photos above of "Gonz" at Carro.
Mike La Franchie back in New Zealand |
By admin on 10/2/2006 |
Upon his return from this winters trip to Indo, Mike La Franchie was greeted with some solid winter swells and good winds back in New Zealand as well as a 9 stitch fin gash that took 3 weeks to heal, just in time for a full week of quality sailing. With summer coming up days are longer which means more time on the water for Mike and with the Taranaki Wave Classic just around the corner every hour on the water is very welcome. Add an El Nino forecast for this year as well and it sure looks like NZ is yet to offer some great conditions.
Check out Mike's fresh off the hook shots from last night. That's how fresh our news is.

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Simmer rider Simon Hurrey has returned Dahab, Egypt |
By admin on 10/1/2006 |
After nailing 2nd place in the British National Freestyle Championships with some good moves and consistent sailing, Simmer rider Simon Hurrey has returned Dahab, Egypt for some more training. Stoked on his new Icon and XD's as well as a bunch of top names to sail with it's safe to say Dahab will get the best of this young talent. Stay tuned for upcoming video footage at: http://www.simonhurrey.com

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By admin on 10/1/2006 |
1. Morning or afternoon session? Afternoon
2. Lipsmack or aerial? Lipsmack
3. Forward or backward loop? Backloop
4. Cereals or oatmeal? Cereals
5. Port or Starboard? Port
6. Reef or beach break? Reef
7. Home or away? Don't know what's what anymore, home I guess.
8. New or old spots? Old
9. Truck or van? Van
10. Double mast or logo? In between.
11. Session or competition? Session
12. Wave or freestyle? Wave
13. Lager or ale? Lager
14. Meat or vegetables? Meat
15. Tattoos or not? Not
16. Super X or racing? Super X
17. Film or photos? Film, though photo's can be really nice as well!
18. 4x4 or easy access? Easy access
19. One-hand or regular? Mix it up!
20. RDM or regular diameter? RDM, they are stronger.
21. X-Ply or monofilm? X-ply
22. Calculated technical or go-for-it? Mix, more technical in the last few years.< ...
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Kristoffer Living Swedish Wave Champion |
By admin on 9/21/2006 |
– With such good conditions along Sweden's west coast Simmer rider Kristoffer Living made the most of it by winning the Swedish Wave Championships in Varberg among 38 other competitors on Sept 3rd. So congratulations from the entire Simmer Style team to your title Kristoffer.

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Sylvain Demercastel in Indo |
By admin on 9/21/2006 |
– Another man who also snuck his feet into Indo's sand this summer was fellow Simmer rider Sylvain Demercastel who got himself a lot of wind, waves and footage for his upcoming DVD to be released in December along with a soundtrack composed by Sylvain himself, so a free xmas gift tip right there from your friends at Simmer Style.

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Ben Proffit and Darren "Dazza" Mitchell in El Tur, Egypt |
By admin on 9/21/2006 |
– Ben Proffit and fellow Simmer rider Darren "Dazza" Mitchell got their money's worth down in El Tur, Egypt, including some really good freestyle and mast climbing sessions. As of now Ben's back in the UK chasing the wind while waiting for the upcoming Red Bull Storm Chase event as well as the UK freestyle nationals. A lot of chasing right there, Mr. Proffit's ultimate sidekick would inevitably be Chevy Chase. Don't know if he does gig's like that though.

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Ascanio D'Ascanio in the windy Gorge |
By admin on 9/21/2006 |
– Ascanio D'Ascanio on the other hand teamed up with Simmer Style sail designer Jason Diffin to kick it in the windy Gorge on some new 3.3 prototypes among other things only to find out how well these tiny new sails perform. With plans to visit Jericuacuara in Brazil, Capetown in South Africa, and finally Maui in spring, Ascanio's made sure to fit in all the world's premier places to cover all the different styles of sailing he likes. Now take that cover, add age and you'll get an Ascanio interview in the latest Spanish Fuerza 7, a grubby sequence in Spanish Surf A Vela's August issue and a double spread of a back loop from the Gorge in US Windsurfing Magazine. Pictures attached below are the double spread from the US Windsurfing Magazine as well as a planing forward sequence.

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Simmer designs X-Cam, Spark and Ransom |
By admin on 9/20/2006 |
– The Mouss brothers Sylvain and Benoit has been busy working on the new Simmer designs X-Cam, Spark and Ransom and so far the results have been fantastic. After the last World Cup Speed event in Karpathos, Greece, Sylvain is currently 3rd in production rankings on Simmer Sails and F2 boards. Before heading off to the ongoing PWA event in Sylt, Germany the Mouss brothers managed to squeeze in a 10 day trip to Reunion island to do a surf/windsurf report for their TV show called "Explore 'n play" as well as articles for various publications. So keep your eyes open for that. For more info make sure to visit: http://www.lesmouss.com
Jason Diffin back on Maui |
By admin on 9/19/2006 |
– Also returning to Maui after a full-blown summer in the Gorge is Simmer sail designer Jason Diffin who was welcomed back with surf on all sides of the island. Ho'okipa with 2-4' peaks coming through while the islands southern shores offered a couple of head high swells with nice conditions. With the Simmer team in town all fired up waiting for the winter swells to roll in, JD says it's good to be home again.
Emma Johansson took 3rd |
By admin on 9/16/2006 |
– Just behind her was fellow team rider Emma Johansson who took 3rd in the women's wave. Emma's currently in Dahab, Egypt for some freestylin' on her new 07 sails. Congratulations to Frida and Emma for their great results during the recent Swedish Wave Championships from all of us here at Simmer.

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