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 Vincent Langer takes 3rd at German Championships Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.6 2006    
Posted by: admin 8/21/2006
End of July meant the German championships for Vincent Langer, who's giving the big guys a run for the money these days, though this time he had to settle for 3rd in racing, but add 100.000 viewers and the price ceremony being broadcasted live on national television and you'll get a pretty good idea of how big this event is. Next up for Vinc is the German Windsurf Cup in Boltenhagen. If you took our advise above you'll have a copy of the latest issue of Surf Magazine in your lap now and as a bonus we'll let you know you'll find a bunch of good shots of Vinc in there, if not here's a "freebee" right below.

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