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 Mike La Franchie back in New Zealand Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.8 2006    
Posted by: admin 10/2/2006

Upon his return from this winters trip to Indo, Mike La Franchie was greeted with some solid winter swells and good winds back in New Zealand as well as a 9 stitch fin gash that took 3 weeks to heal, just in time for a full week of quality sailing. With summer coming up days are longer which means more time on the water for Mike and with the Taranaki Wave Classic just around the corner every hour on the water is very welcome. Add an El Nino forecast for this year as well and it sure looks like NZ is yet to offer some great conditions.
Check out Mike's fresh off the hook shots from last night. That's how fresh our news is.

pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4

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