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 EITHER/OR with Swedish Wave Champ KRISTOFFER LIWING Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.8 2006    
Posted by: admin 10/1/2006

1. Morning or afternoon session? Afternoon
2. Lipsmack or aerial? Lipsmack
3. Forward or backward loop? Backloop
4. Cereals or oatmeal? Cereals
5. Port or Starboard? Port
6. Reef or beach break? Reef
7. Home or away? Don't know what's what anymore, home I guess.
8. New or old spots? Old
9. Truck or van? Van
10. Double mast or logo? In between.
11. Session or competition? Session
12. Wave or freestyle? Wave
13. Lager or ale? Lager
14. Meat or vegetables? Meat
15. Tattoos or not? Not
16. Super X or racing? Super X
17. Film or photos? Film, though photo's can be really nice as well!
18. 4x4 or easy access? Easy access
19. One-hand or regular? Mix it up!
20. RDM or regular diameter? RDM, they are stronger.
21. X-Ply or monofilm? X-ply
22. Calculated technical or go-for-it? Mix, more technical in the last few years.
23. Jumping or riding? Love them both.
24. Locals only or everyone welcome? Everyone welcome
25. Neon colors or not? Neo- on sails, ok but on wetsuit a definite no, no.

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