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 Ascanio D'Ascanio in the windy Gorge Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.7 2006    
Posted by: admin 9/21/2006
Ascanio D'Ascanio on the other hand teamed up with Simmer Style sail designer Jason Diffin to kick it in the windy Gorge on some new 3.3 prototypes among other things only to find out how well these tiny new sails perform. With plans to visit Jericuacuara in Brazil, Capetown in South Africa, and finally Maui in spring, Ascanio's made sure to fit in all the world's premier places to cover all the different styles of sailing he likes. Now take that cover, add age and you'll get an Ascanio interview in the latest Spanish Fuerza 7, a grubby sequence in Spanish Surf A Vela's August issue and a double spread of a back loop from the Gorge in US Windsurfing Magazine. Pictures attached below are the double spread from the US Windsurfing Magazine as well as a planing forward sequence.

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