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 Ben Proffitt get his fair share of El Tur, Egypt Minimize

Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER NEWSLETTER N.6 2006    
Posted by: admin 8/21/2006

Speaking of which Ben Proffitt decided to hang around Pozo and Vargas for a week after the PWA event there to shoot a little video for Boardseeker mag so make sure to check it out at: After that it was home to the UK to join the boys for a perfect day at Ben's home break Rhossneigr, the small price to pay for all the doubles Mr. Proffitt spun that day was 2 days of headache, it doesn't get cheaper than that. As of now it's freestylin' in El Tur, Egypt with fellow team rider Darren "Dazza" Mitchell that's on the menu. Today's special just below.


Ben 1, Ben 2, Ben 3, Ben 4

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