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Location: BlogsSimmer Style NewsSIMMER STYLE NEWS LETTER N.1 2007    
Posted by: admin 1/2/2007
Ascanio D' Ascanio is making his dreams come true, and it's best described in his own words.

"-Finally, I made it! For the first time of my life I'm writing you from Cape Town. I've been dreaming of this place for so many years. During the last 3 years I tried to make it down here but there was always something going wrong: Budget, family and so on, but finally this year things fell into place. So after spring on Maui for 2 ½ months a summer in The Gorge for 2 ½ months, fall in Brazil for 2 months an now winter in South Africa all in the same year I ´m stoked to say the least."

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