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Author: admin Created: 9/25/2006
WHAT'S GOING ON SIMMER NEWSLETTER N.6 2006 Augusti 25th 2006

The all-new out now!
By admin on 8/23/2006
First off all you just have to visit the all new, updated, re-designed: with everything you could ever ask for designed by none other than Simmer's own graphic designer Magnus Petersson.
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Matteo Guazzoni wins recent EFPT event at Silvaplana
By admin on 8/23/2006
After 2 months of European events, Italian freestyle wizard Matteo Guazzoni ended his euro road trip in full flare by taking 1st place at the recent Stimorol Engadinwind EFPT event at Silvaplana. Other results from his summer include: 5th place EFTP Belgium and 17th at the PWA Fuerteventura event. Matteo's currently 2nd in the EFPT rankings with two events left this season. Current plans include the PWA Sylt event in Germany followed by the last two EFPT events in Russia and Croatia. For more info on the EFPT events make sure to visit:
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Kai "Flykatcher" Katchadourian to Wave Classic in Sweden
By admin on 8/23/2006
Apart from throwing down flawless bottom turns on Cabo Verde Kai "Flykatcher" Katchadourian also makes sure to get his fare share of hot sauna bathing, cold beer drinking, and 8.0 X-Cam cruising while spending his summer in Finland before heading of to the Wave Classic in Varberg, Sweden on Sept 1st - 3rd to represent Simmer and do some percussion jams. Seriously people don't miss this event/party, it'll be massive, plus who knows you might just run into legendary Simmer rider "Flykatcher" and get a few "timing" hints. Just ask for Maja's bar and you'll be on the dance floor before you know it. For more info on the event please visit:
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Victor Fernandez interview in the latest issue of Surf Magazine
By admin on 8/23/2006
Another good reason to pick up the latest issue of Surf Magazine (Germany), that we told you about above is a fantastic 8 page Victor Fernandez story, including photos shot by none other than Simmer Style graphic designer Magnus Petersson. So go get some....
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Victor Fernandez interview on
By admin on 8/23/2006
While on the Fernandez subject French Windsurf Journal is running a Victor F interview so make sure to check it out at: Don't know French? No problem, just check the pictures, they speak for themselves.
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Mads Bjorna wins Nordic Freestyle Championships
By admin on 8/23/2006
Danish Simmer rider Mads Bjorna just won the Nordic Freestyle Championships for the 3rd time and is now both Danish and Nordic Freestyle Champion, on top of that he's currently leading the Danish wave series, c'mon with a winning streak like that he could just take it to Vegas and put all his money on number 1 without a single worry.

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Simmer rider only girl in Sweden to make it into Red Bull Stormchase
By admin on 8/23/2006
The only girl in Sweden to make it into the Red Bull Stormchase was Swedish Simmer rider Emma Johansson, so hats off ladies and gents, apart from that Emma's been busy sailing some firing Swedish spot's lately.
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Ruth Elliot goes international
By admin on 8/23/2006
Also representing Simmer in the UK is Ruth Elliott who finished 13th in her first international wave event during the women's PWA wave event at Pozo. Recent results also includes 8th overall at the PWA Lanzarote Super X event, not a bad way to introduce yourself on the international circuit.
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Mike La Franchie on Indo's shallow reefs and barreling glassy waves
By admin on 8/23/2006
After 3 straight weeks with wind and glassy waves, New Zealand's Mike La Franchie strongly recommends Indonesia these days for down the line wave sailing. Some things to consider before going: really shallow reefs, barreling waves and remote spots without a doctor as far as the eye can see. So there you go, another good hint, including all the pros and cons from the Simmer team traveling our fantastic globe.
Comments (0) now updated daily
By admin on 8/23/2006
The PWA website is now updated daily with news, interviews, features articles and more. Now you can stay informed and be the first to know what’s happening in the world of professional windsurfing! So don’t wait, visit
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EITHER / OR with Pozo wave champ Victor Fernandez
By admin on 8/23/2006
1. Morning or afternoon sessions – Afternoon 2. Lip smack or aerial – Lip smack 3. Forward or backward loop – Backward loop 4. Cereals or oatmeal – Oatmeal 5. Port or Starboard – A little bit of both please 6. Reef or beach break – Reef 7. Home or away – Mix and enjoy 8. New or old spots – New 9. Truck or van – Van 10. Double mast or logo – Double mast 11. Session or competition – Session 12. Wave or freestyle –Wave 13. Lager or ale – Ale 14. Meat or vegetables – Vegetables 15. Tattoos or not – Not 16. Super X or racing – Racing 17. Film or photos – Film 18. 4x4 or easy access – Easy access 19. One-hand or regular – One-hand 20. RDM or regular diameter – RDM 21. X-Ply or monofilm – X-ply 22. Calculated technical or go-for-it – Mix and enjoy 23. Jumping or riding – Riding 24. Locals only or everyone welcome – Everyone welcome 25. Neon colors or not – Neon colors
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Kristen Orth takes 2nd at US nationals
By admin on 8/21/2006

15 years old Maui based Simmer ripper Kristen Orth took 2nd in the US nationals held on Maui recently by taking 2nd in both slalom and course racing. Simmer sail designer Mr. Diffin sure knows who to lend his sails to.


Kristen 1, Kristen 2

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Darren "Dazza" Mitchell hangs out in El Tur, Egypt
By admin on 8/21/2006
Darren "Dazza" Mitchell spent 2 weeks with fantastic conditions on Tenerife only to pack it up and join fellow Simmer team rider Ben Proffitt in El Tur, Egypt for some fabulous freestylin' conditions as you can see below.

Darren 1, Darren 2, Darren 3, Darren 4
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Ben Proffitt get his fair share of El Tur, Egypt
By admin on 8/21/2006

Speaking of which Ben Proffitt decided to hang around Pozo and Vargas for a week after the PWA event there to shoot a little video for Boardseeker mag so make sure to check it out at: After that it was home to the UK to join the boys for a perfect day at Ben's home break Rhossneigr, the small price to pay for all the doubles Mr. Proffitt spun that day was 2 days of headache, it doesn't get cheaper than that. As of now it's freestylin' in El Tur, Egypt with fellow team rider Darren "Dazza" Mitchell that's on the menu. Today's special just below.


Ben 1, Ben 2,

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JD's summer in the Gorge
By admin on 8/21/2006

Simmer sail designer Jason Diffin on his summer get-away: The way it works here in The Gorge is- if it’s not windy on the river, then it’s windy on the coast. We have been getting some solid west swells and good wave sailing conditions this summer. The Pacific Northwest crew is growing, stoked and ripping!! I’ve been in touch with the boys back at home on Maui, and I know we’re getting more waves than they are!!! And if the wind refuses to blow, then there are plenty of other activities to keep us busy- like work, biking and fishing. The Gorge is an epic place to spend some time in the summer. JD Picture 1 Jarret Mc Peek by Trudy rest is JD.


JD1, ...
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Junko Nagoshi back on Maui
By admin on 8/21/2006

Maui based PWA rookie of the year 2005 Junko Nagoshi just got back from 3 months of European PWA events where her overall solid sailing earned her 4th in Super X at Lanzarote, 4th in wave at Guincho, 7th in wave at Pozo, 8th in freestyle at Pozo, and finally 7th in freestyle at Fuerteventura. Until she heads for the PWA Sylt event in Germany next month she'll be sailing at Waiehu and says everyone staying on Maui's welcome to join her.



Junko 1, Junko 2, Junko 3, Junko 4
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Vincent Langer takes 3rd at German Championships
By admin on 8/21/2006
End of July meant the German championships for Vincent Langer, who's giving the big guys a run for the money these days, though this time he had to settle for 3rd in racing, but add 100.000 viewers and the price ceremony being broadcasted live on national television and you'll get a pretty good idea of how big this event is. Next up for Vinc is the German Windsurf Cup in Boltenhagen. If you took our advise above you'll have a copy of the latest issue of Surf Magazine in your lap now and as a bonus we'll let you know you'll find a bunch of good shots of Vinc in there, if not here's a "freebee" right below.

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Ascanio D' Ascanio shots by Vlado
By admin on 8/21/2006

Ascanio D' Ascanio was shot all summer by Oregon's own Clint Eastwood, aka Vlado while hanging out in the Gorge. The guy must be bulletproof, not a scratch and still in 1 piece after all that shooting, a second round of shots is served below. So enjoy the west!


Ascanio 1, Ascanio 2, Ascanio 3
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Sylvain Demercastel's new DVD project
By admin on 8/21/2006
Sylvain Demercastel teamed up with Fabrice Beaux and spent the summer in Indo shooting footage for their upcoming DVD. Apart from starring Sylvain will also compose the music for it. So keep your eyes open for the DVD premiere.


Demercastel 1, Demercastel 2, Demercastel 3
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"Flykatchers" Atlantic affair
By admin on 8/21/2006

- While most sailors have one woman in each harbor, Kai "Flykatcher" Katchadourian is more of a "one wave on each island" type of sailor. While visiting one of his liquid lovers recently "Katcher" was caught by none other than John Carter (below) just before kissing another Atlantic beauty on the shores of Cabo Verde thus making it into the latest issue of Germany's Surf Magazine (#4) along with an extensive story on the trip. This guy's timing is one in a xillion, so feast your eyes on this blue babe below and dream away....


Kai Katchadorian

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Ania Ostrowska getting ready for Maui
By admin on 8/20/2006

Ania Ostrowska will be trading Pozo for Maui in a month or so. In the meantime can we offer you a few of Ania's Pozo moves?




Ania 1, Ania 2, Ania 3, Ania 4
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Victor Fernandez tweaking and twisting the new 07's
By admin on 8/20/2006

Some photos of Victor Fernandez:


Victor 1


Victor 1, Victor 2, Victor 3, Victor 4, Victor 5, Victor 6
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No rest for Victor Fernandez
By admin on 8/15/2006

Speaking of which, you might think Victor's back home resting after his recent victory at the PWA Pozo wave event. Guess again people, he's back home in Almeria sailing every day possible, getting ready for the Klitmoller Soul Wave event in mid September followed by the PWA Sylt event in Germany. Evidence enclosed right below as well as recent shots of VF twisting and tweaking the new 07's to the fullest taken by Magnus Petersson. Also don't miss out on this month's Either/Or featuring Victor, last in this newsletter.

Victor Fernandez

Almeria 1, Almeria 2, Almeria 3

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